How To Send Money Overseas Safely Using Flip

How To Send Money Overseas Safely Using Flip

Many people still need to remember about necessary safeguards in overseas financial transactions. Flip Globe is one of the right solutions for you to do this. Flip Globe users must carry out their transactions properly and correctly according to instructions from Flip's customer services so that there are no misunderstandings and suspicions when send money overseas safely. But is Flip Globe safe for overseas money transfer transactions? You can find out in this one article!  

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Is Flip Globe Safe to Use? 

Are you still having trouble sending money overseas because of transaction security? Don't worry. Flip has passed verification and supervision from Bank Indonesia with licensed number 18/196/DKSP/68. This certainly makes Flip Globe has been monitoring its continuous movements and transactions through Bank Indonesia. So this monitoring indicates that they are not exposed to criminal activities such as money laundering, terrorism, and the sale of other illegal transactions. 

Flip Globe is also safe to use. User transaction data will be recapitulated monthly so that Bank Indonesia can also make unique records to prevent other criminal issues from occurring. Flip Globe user data is also packaged as well as possible without anyone knowing because it is confidential. 


Money Wire Transfer Scams and Fraud 

In this modern era, there are lots of activities that are very detrimental to your finances. Transfer fraud is one of the things that you often find and experience in your environment, and this can certainly be an obstacle and you will be afraid of transferring money abroad. The following are the most common transfer scams that you should know about: 

- Personal Emergencies

One of the most common types of money transfer scams involves fraudsters pretending to be relatives who contact you immediately, asking for money in the form of a transfer. These scams can take many forms and stories, sometimes involving distant relatives (explaining anonymity) or close relatives (whose personal details have been hijacked). 

- Phishing

In cybersecurity, phishing is using email to lure victims into sending money. In transfer fraud cases, fraudsters often pretend to be someone's trusted official company or employee. These emails often appear genuine, with a legitimate-looking email client, domain, sender's name, and job description. 

- Online Dating

This transfer scam relies on an emotional connection to gain sympathy and manipulate victims into sending wire transfers. In these scams, scammers will pose as romantic partners online, building trust (sometimes for months) before finally asking you to send money to help them. 

- Gambling

Another typical example of fraudulent transfers can occur if you receive an email congratulating you on winning a prize (often a lottery or similar contest). The email will ask you to transfer money to the attached banking details to cover fees and taxes before claiming the prize. The fraudster will close their account and take your funds if you fall for a scam by sending money.   


How To Avoid Fraud and Send Money Safely 

Of course, sending money abroad has many obstacles or barriers we can identify and get. This can undoubtedly be one of the obstacles that can make it difficult for you to send money safely abroad. Then how to avoid fraud and send money overseas safely so you can enjoy it without any distractions and other obstacles. Here's how to avoid fraud and send money safely:

1. Verification by an appropriate and credible regulator

Before you send money overseas, you need to make sure of the right medium or application for sending money abroad. Flip Globe has verification from the regulator, Bank Indonesia, with licensed number 18/196/DKSP/68. Then why doesn't OJK verify with Flip because OJK is a regulator for banks, insurance, capital markets, and other financial industries? Meanwhile, Flip is a fund transfer service. 

2. Observe, and don't rush 

In making transfers abroad safely, you need to double-check and read carefully. Make sure to make the proper transfer and be careful in transactions and sending money abroad. 

3. Don't underestimate things that don't make sense

Scammers sometimes spend a great deal of time and effort weaving in targeted, personalized and realistic-looking schemes to make their bait seem real. If the message looks genuine, but the request itself is unusual, be sure to verify its authenticity before sending money. 

4. Choose a trusted money transfer provider 

The preventive action that can be taken is to use a secure provider to send money overseas safely. You can try Flip Globe for overseas transactions safely using the best rates, real-time transaction status, the best service, and no hidden fees. In business and personal, avoiding fraud is one of the actions that should be taken. This will make it easier for you to safely and hassle-free overseas transactions. 


The Safest Way To Send Money Online 

Flip Globe conducts financial transactions safely and protects users from scams or other crimes. This is our priority as a financial service provider that is credible and trusted by many people so that people will be happier and more satisfied with the services from Flip Globe. 


People also read: Flip, The Best Remittance App Indonesian for Transferring Money Overseas

Want to know more about Flip Globe or something else? You can find other articles here. You can click the link here if you want to download the application directly and learn how to use Flip Globe.

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Flip adalah perusahaan transfer dana yang telah terlisensi oleh Bank Indonesia.
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