These 7 Flea Markets in Singapore Will Save Your Expenses

These 7 Flea Markets in Singapore Will Save Your Expenses

When visiting this small country, you can try many Singapore tourist attractions with exciting activities. Tourism in Singapore no longer consists of only famous landmarks such as the Merlion and Marina Bay Sands but also exciting and economical shopping tours at flea markets. Considered a shopping paradise, you definitely don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to find something for every family member. Try attending a flea market in Singapore, as no two fleas are the same. 

Experience a fun treasure hunt there—you might find something you didn’t know you needed!     

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Complete your trip to the Lion City with our 7 best flea markets Singapore list: 

1. Public Garden 

The first flea market Singapore is one of the most popular flea markets that offers original designs and items rich in regional culture across Southeast Asia. In addition to being a flea market, Public Garden is a creative hub, frequently used to organize regular workshops where people can share and express their creativity. 

2. So Gelam Market 

One of the not-so-conspicuous places to visit in Singapore is Baghdad Street, which will be transformed into a bustling flea market every last weekend of the month. With numerous food and beverage shops, you won’t have to starve when roaming around looking at quirky items, including flowers, homemade cosmetics, candles, art prints, and more. Enjoy a ton of live entertainment and a lively ambiance in this charming Kampong Glam neighborhood. 

3. FleaWhere 

FleaWhere holds a flea market Singapore almost every day, making them the most frequent and largest flea organizer. They were formerly known as “For Flea Sake”, and you can find many inexpensive items that will make you go into a shopping frenzy. Just remember, many things you’ll see are not of high quality. 

4. Retro Factory 

People can enjoy Singapore’s music, arts, and vintage and retro lifestyles every month through Retro Factory. The carnival-like setting makes this vintage flea market Singapore appealing to young and older people and vintage enthusiasts. 

5. The Luggage Market 

Crouching, rummaging, choosing, and bargaining are exactly what you will do at this flea market. You won’t find regular booth setups like other flea markets. Instead, prepare to crouch down a lot since all items are offered on the sellers’ luggage. 

Small trinkets like accessories or preloved clothes are sold for $5 or less. Consider this as one of the Singapore tourist attractions that offers something unusual. Our suggestion: dress comfortably and wear comfy shoes

6. Singapore Really Really Free Market (SRRFM) 

This flea market Singapore is taking the idiom “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” very literally. As the name states—and emphasizes, everything at SRRFM is free for the general public. To help the less disadvantaged population, a charitable community came up with this concept. You can find everything from everyday pre-owned items like books, clothes, and shoes to free services like tarot card readings, massages, and spiritual healing. 

7. The Local People 

Not to be confused for local Singaporeans, the last flea market Singapore on our list is a group of nomadic space activists called The Local People. They go around Singapore, organizing fleas in disused places, making them one of the best places to visit in Singapore.   


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The purpose of their fleas is to give locals a platform to sell and share their products. You can find many unique and one-of-a-kind things from budding artists and local designers. If you’re looking for a new experience, visiting a flea market in Singapore is a must. Not only can you help promote local culture and support local artists, but you can also experience a different side of Singapore. 

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